HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT: for more information about the following courts or judges, please see https://www.justex.net/Courts/Family/FamilyCourts.aspx
- 245 Judge Roy L. Moore (Judge Tristan Longino)
- 308 Judge James Lombardino (Judge Gloria Lopez)
- 246 Judge Charley Prine (Judge Angela Graves-Harrington)
- 309 Judge Sheri Y. Dean (Judge Linda Marie Dunson)
- 247 Judge John Schmude (Judge Janice Berg)
- 310 Judge Lisa Millard (Judge Sonya Heath)
- 257 Judge Judy Warne (Judge Sandra Peake)
- 311 Judge Alicia K. Franklin (Judge Germaine Tanner)
- 280 Judge Lynn Bradshaw-Hull (Judge Barbara Stalder)
- 312 Judge David Farr (Judge Clinton Wells)
- CPC Judge Katrina M. Griffith
MONTGOMERY COUNTY DISTRICT COURT: for more information about the following Courts or Judges in Montgomery County, please see http://www.mctx.org/courts/index_courts.html
FORT BEND COUNTY DISTRICT COURT: For more information about the Courts and Judges in Fort Bend County, please see http://www.fortbendcountytx.gov/index.aspx?page=185
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL: For more information about child support, possession and access of the children, and medical support, please see https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/cs/welcome-to-the-child-support-division
ATTORNEY GENERAL TAX CHART 2015 : If you need information on how taxes are computed for the purpose of child support, please see https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/files/cs/2015taxchart.pdf
SAFE PROGRAM: If you need information regarding supervised visitation through the SAFE Programs for children, please see http://www.victimassistancecentre.com/safesupervised.html
GUARDIAN OF HOPE: If you need information regarding supervised visitation through the Guardian of Hope for children, please see http://guardiansofhopetx.com/
ONLINE PARENTING CLASSES: If you need more information regarding parenting classes for divorce, child custody, or paternity, please see www.positiveparenting.com
IN SPANISH: www.spanishparentigclass.com
PARENTING CLASSES (COURSE TAKEN): If you need more information on enrolling and attending a parenting class, please see http://childrenatrisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/01_Parent-Education-Programs-in-Greater-Houston.pdf OR http://www.learntoparent.org/